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Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is only effective treatment for children with autism. It is the science of applying interventions based on principles of learning and motivation to promote socially significant behavior change and to demonstrate that the interventions are responsible for these behavior changes. The methods of ABA are applied by breaking down skills into simple steps and teaching each step in succession while taking quantitative and qualitative data to measure progress of positive behaviors and skills such as communication, socialization, self-help, academics while decreasing problem behaviors such as repeatedly throwing of toys/ items, tantrums, screaming, or aggression towards others.

Over the past 50 years, thousands of published studies have documented the effectiveness of ABA for increasing a wide variety of skills and decreasing challenging behaviors. The goal of ABA is facilitate enduring behavioral changes resulting in enhanced quality of life. It has demonstrated comprehensive and lasting positive behavior change. 

  • ABA has been proven to be the most effective discipline in improving communication, social interaction, cognitive skills, self-help skills, and reducing inappropriate behaviors for people with autism.
  • ABA is a science that involves methods and procedures that have been validated by experimental research. It uses methods to measure behavior and evaluate progress that are scientifically valid.
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst’s (BCBAs) lead and supervise the ABA therapy team. We build skills to teach critical repertoires and to “crowd out” challenging behaviors.
  • ABA, especially when delivered in the context of an interdisciplinary team, has been proven to be the most effective discipline in improving communication, social interaction, cognitive skills, self-help skills, and reducing challenging behaviors

Behavior Analytic Instruction:

Pacific Child’s staff uses the most effective instructional formats/interventions to teach functional and meaningful skills.

  • Discrete Trial Training (DDT)
  • Activity-Based Instruction (ABI)
  • Incidental Teaching
  • Pivotal Response Training (Natural Language Paradigm)
  • Applied verbal behavior (AVB) approach for teaching communication skills
  • Direct Instruction (DI), and
  • Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI)

This treatment combined with an interdisciplinary team will facilitate long lasting, sustainable change that will result in enhanced functioning and quality of life.

For more information regarding our ABA for autism services, please email info@pacificchild.com or call us toll free at (855) 295-3276. We are currently able to provide services in English, Spanish, French, German, Korean, Vietnamese and Armenian.

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